Providing startups and entrepreneurs on the south side of Atlanta access to the education and training they need to succeed.
1 Million Cups
1 Million Cups is a free program designed to educate, engage and connect entrepreneurs with their communities, over coffee and conversations — now in more than 180 communities across the country.
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I encourage anyone with an idea or existing business to attend-you will be glad you did!”
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Useful Articles
For Your Inspiration Vol. 301
Prioritizing Well-Being in a Busy World In today's fast-paced world, achieving a healthy work-life balance is a significant challenge. To succeed, individuals must prioritize their well-being and implement effective strategies. First, defining priorities is crucial by...
For Your Inspiration Vol. 300
Why You Should Ditch Easy Goals and Aim Higher Setting goals is crucial for personal growth and success. However, opting for easy goals limits growth stifles motivation, and leads to missed opportunities. Easy goals keep us in our comfort zones, hindering … Newsletter...
For Your Inspiration Vol. 299
The Crucial Role of Mentorship In the dynamic business world, effective leadership is essential for organizational success. Leadership skills are cultivated over time, with mentorship being a valuable tool. Mentors bridge generational gaps, sharing knowledge and...