“The only thing worse than starting something and failing… is not starting something.”
Seth Godin, Squidoo founder

Mental tactics for achieving long-term goals
Why is it so difficult to define, work toward, and achieve your long-term goals? While it’s easy to spend hours each day crossing off to-do list items and answering emails, those lofty and life-changing goals always seem to …
Fast Company

How To Curate Your Schedule For Optimal Productivity
Scheduling with intentionality is critical for maximizing daily productivity. If you don’t carefully manage your calendar, your calendar …

19 things you should never say to your coworkers
Getting along with your coworkers is a beautiful thing. It can make your workday less dreary, help you focus better, and make you more …
Business Insider

Marketing 101: Creative Marketing Campaigns You Should Do
Marketing is one of the essential industries in the world. Almost every company in the world uses marketing to make their presence …
The Startup Magazine