“In the business world, everyone is paid in two coins: cash and experience. Take the experience first; the cash will come later.”
Harold S. Geneen

Improve Your Networking Skills and Pitches
When we think about surrounding ourselves with the right people, we often think in terms of what those people can do for us. The real question you should be asking is, “What value can I bring to people?” People do business with …

Ways to Help Your Team Recover from Disruption
Many organizations wrestle with how to excel in rapidly changing times. At some point or another, they encounter challenges that …
Harvard Business Review

Building a successful organization: Here’s how?
There’s a paradigm shift in workplaces in the post-pandemic era owing to a plethora of factors such as changes in working style, the …
People Matters

Why You Should Talk About Your Losses More as a Business Owner
Success stories are great for inspiration and motivation, but loss has the potential to teach lessons. Here is why you should communicate …

How to gracefully handle a conflict among your team members
Children want to know what the rules are, and they want those rules to be applied dependably between them. Baseball players want to …
Fast Company

Why Common Sense Is Key If You Want to Be a Business Innovator
The six characteristics of the innovation mentality are like many great ideas: deceptively simple. That’s the point: They awaken …