“There’s no secret about success. Did you ever know a successful man who didn’t tell you about it?”
Kin Hubbard

Try this power move to beat procrastination
You need to buy some sunglasses before summer slips away. It’s really amazing how creative we can be when it comes to procrastination—there are so many ways we can put off doing things that we actually want to do. From making …
Fast Company

3 Core Principles That I Think Everyone Should Seek in a Boss or Mentor
Last year when the pandemic began, I quickly alerted many past clients about the opportunity for a refinance. In one instance, as much …

All You Need to Know About Google Trends to Grow Your Business
SEO positioning is a crucial aspect of effective digital marketing. Therefore, it’s not surprising that new and improved online …

Win New Customers Without Losing Your Established Clients
Your existing customers are a huge asset to your business. Repeat and referral business from them can be a powerful, low-cost marketing …

How Emotionally Intelligent People Use the ‘Golden Question’
You really wanted to quit your job. After months of careful planning, you figured out how to turn your side hustle into a full-fledged …

A simple, science-backed technique that will boost productivity daily
People say it all the time. Experts say it too. In fact, it’s said often enough, by so many people, that over the years it’s begun …
Fast Company