10 Habits of Highly Successful Small Business Owners
The unfortunate reality is that a lot of small businesses fail. What differentiates those that fail from those that become raging successes? Certain traits and habits help business owners beat the odds and build highly…
The Hartford
Assemble Your Own Personal Team of Advisors
Microsoft founder Bill Gates, one of the richest people in the world, often talks about the importance of having had Warren Buffet as his mentor. He credits Buffet with helping him learn how to manage difficult situations…
How To Turn Your To-Do Into A Ta-Da
If your To-Do list is getting you too down, you’re not alone. Many of my clients tell me that they spend too much time in meetings and…
Conduct Effective Employee Surveys That Will Improve Your Business
For B2B companies, team members are one of the main reasons clients turn into repeat buyers. Without great team members, client service…
All Business
Cultivate a work environment that produces great ideas
In the days before Apple, an engineer pitched the idea for a personal computer five times to his employer, Hewlett Packard. Each time…
Fast Company
The Importance of an Abundance Mindset for Business Leaders
Many of the most successful people in the world have worked their way up from the bottom. In fact, many have overcome hardships and…
Ways To Successfully Pitch The Media
I get a fair amount of media pitches in my inbox. I’d like to think this is due to my own inherent popularity. But of course, the…
3 Small Business Expenses That Add up Quickly
As a small business owner, you know that it takes money to make money—and unfortunately, sometimes it takes more money than you’d…
The Startup Magazine
Why your customers should be central to your innovation efforts
There’s a big mistake that a lot of companies make. It’s one that until a few years ago was common in my own organization, and it stems…
4 Ways Visuals Can Make Your PR Pitch a Success
In this fast-paced world of information, it’s vital to stick out, but getting eyeballs on your content takes a certain level of skill…
This is the system that helps me achieve Inbox Zero every day
As a public relations professional who runs a boutique PR company for independent filmmakers and other clients, I receive a lot of emails…
Fast Company
5 Lessons I Learned from Selling My Startup
For entrepreneurs, selling their startups can be an important affirmation that all their hard work led to the creation of…
Harvard Business Review