Strategies for balancing your time, energy, and focus
You can break down the way most people schedule their days into two categories: makers versus managers. There are people who spend most of their day managing—either other people or projects. And there are those who spend …
Fast Company

Why Learning to Label Your Feelings Makes You a Better Leader
Marc Brackett, director of the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, says that many managers and leaders misunderstand what …
Harvard Business Review

This is why we need to ditch the 8-hour workday for good
With the world adjusting to post-pandemic life, everyone’s talking about the “new normal.” But what does that mean when it comes to how we work? …
Fast Company

What is CRM? How do firms benefit from it?
The term CRM refers to Customer Relationship Management. It is the system that is introduced to build and manage profitable customer …
Startup Magazine

5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Content Development
I’ve been in the content marketing game for 14 years, and for most of those, my focus was providing content services for small businesses …
All Business

Your Customers Don’t Want A Sales Pitch—They Want Solutions
How can you take these ideas and apply them to your own business? The goal is to identify your customers’ needs and help solve them …

Why 67 Percent of Strategic Plans Fail
How many times have you heard the word strategy in your career? More than you can count, I’m guessing. Strategy, “they” say, is what …

Storytelling Can Make or Break Your Leadership
“It’s a new goal-setting framework.” That was one of my large enterprise clients’ attempt at an inspirational rallying cry for their …
Harvard Business Review