“Don’t worry about failure; you only have to be right once.”
Drew Houston, Dropbox founder and CEO
Fear? Answering These Will Help You Take the Leap
“I am an old man and I have known a lot of problems, but most of them have never happened.” -Mark Twain- Sometimes, if not always, we fear the unknown, what “may happen” because we are human beings and the unknown always disturbs …
6 Tips to Follow to Make Your Year Calmer and More Productive
With every new year beginning, we always hope for it to be calm. Since we said goodbye to 2020, we’re all counting on 2021 to treat …
Think Marketing
How to work with someone you can’t stand
You can pick your friends, but you can’t usually pick your coworkers. Chances are you’ll work with someone you don’t like during your …
Fast Company
Starting a business during a financial crisis
General Motors, Burger King, CNN, Uber and AirBnB are all household names. But did you know all these companies were set up during …
The Startup Magazine