For Your Inspiration Vol. 183

Mentoring Matters – What, Exactly, Does It Entail? How often have you heard the terms mentor, mentoring, or mentorship? These words are bandied about the workplace and academia with a vague sense that they matter-and indeed mentoring does-but without a clear...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 182

8 Ways Coaching Can Change Your Life If you are looking to ascend to another level personally or within your organization, you may want to consider working with a coach. But if you are unsure about how to find a coach or what to work on with a coach, here are some...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 181

Why Work Boundaries Are So Important My sister, Kelly, was on her first real vacation in over a year. She was standing on her paddleboard, gazing out over the peaceful turquoise waters off the shore of Barbados, when she heard someone yelling her name. She turned to...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 180

How To Be The Best Manager You Can Be Being a manager isn’t just about managing a team. It’s also about getting people to work together and leading them. Many people know what it’s like to have a bad manager. The manager can create tensions in the...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 179

Your Career Is Just One-Eighth Of Your Life Career advice as a genre is almost fatally flawed. With 160 million American workers across thousands of occupations in hundreds of industries, saying anything that is of use to all of them is practically impossible. The...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 178

How To Make A Good First Impression Did you know that it only takes a tenth of a second to make a first impression? So when you meet someone for the first time, you need to be on your game from the very beginning – but do you know exactly how to make a good...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 177

In A Crisis, Great Leaders Prioritize Listening How leaders navigate a crisis – big or small – has an enormous influence over the impact that crisis will have on their organization, not to mention the personal impact it will have on the people and...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 176

10 Ways To Become A Better Leader Anyone can sit in a corner office and delegate tasks, but there is more to effective leadership than that. Effective leaders have major impacts on not only the team members they manage, but also their company as a whole. Employees who...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 175

The New Work-Life Balance If you look up the history of work–life balance, you’ll find different takes on the concept’s origins. Many people give credit to Robert Owen, a Welsh manufacturer and the “father of British Socialism,” who decided...

For Your Inspiration Vol. 174

Ways To Combat Burnout Before It Even Starts I was recently catching up with a famous entrepreneur friend of mine. If I said their name, you instantly would know them. However, their name is not as important as the story I will share with you below. We had not caught...