“Asking questions keeps people engaged, which is paramount when you are trying to influence someone’s thinking or behavior.” That’s the conclusion of a ten-year-old Harvard Business Review article by Chris Musselwhite and Tammie Plouffe. But the idea that leaders can have more impact by asking the …

Strategy + Business


It’s too bad that we don’t come with an operator’s manual when we are born. If we did, it would be a lot easier to make better decisions, own our mistakes …



Millions of Americans are quitting their jobs in what’s been dubbed, “The Great Resignation.” Many are leaving because their previous working …



In life, innovation is the name of the game. And luckily for us humans, we’re hardwired to break and build again and again (and again). Our innate desire …



Sara, a departing employee, sat across from her company’s HR leader for an exit interview. As a marketing executive for a financial services company …

Harvard Business Review


Gaining a promotion is no easy feat. It takes planning, hard work, and no shortage of luck. Even then, it’s not guaranteed. However, it’s possible in …

Business Insider


Happy Customers Mean Happy Employees
I’ve been preaching to my clients for years that what happens on the inside of an organization is felt on the outside by the customers. When it comes …


Burnout is recognized by the World Health Organization as a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been …

People Matters