For Your Inspiration vol. 98

Avoiding Burnout As An Entrepreneur While managing your own startup can be incredibly rewarding, there is no denying it can also be extremely stressful. From managing the ins and outs of running your business to trying make sure that you actually generate a profit …...

For Your Inspiration vol. 97

“It’s hard to do a really good job on anything you don’t think about in the shower.” Paul Graham, YCombinator co-founder Unlocking Your Entrepreneurial Superpower Being described as a natural-born entrepreneur is a compliment, but in fact, I...

For Your Inspiration vol. 96

Rules for choosing the right mentor Mentorships can be career-changing for all professionals, but the potential value for professionals of color is even greater. For the second consecutive year, The List—the group of marketing, advertising and media leaders … AdAge If...

For Your Inspiration vol. 95

“Don’t try to be original, just try to be good.” Paul Rand, Graphic Designer Stop Obsessing Over Your Mistakes Are you also one of the people who keeps going over past situations? Surely you repeat over and over in your mind as ways you could have...

For Your Inspiration vol. 94

“Fail often so you can succeed sooner.” Tom Kelley, Ideo partner Lost Your Motivation? 3 Scientifically Proven Ways to Get It Back If you’re feeling a lack of motivation these days, you’re not alone. The Covid-19 pandemic has sapped the...